8 Video Game Characters You Should Never Fall In Love With

6. Mass Effect 2 - Morinth

final fantasy 7 crisis core zack

Mass Effect 2 made clear from the outset that it was a game focused on relationships.

The trust that you would earn from your cast of misfits would be a slow and rocky path, but come the end of things you'll be surrounded by people literally willing to die for you in order to save the future of the universe. The best part of all of this though was that this loyalty felt earned, that you'd actually gone out of your way to help your squad and in turn showed them that you were a Commander to be trusted.

Also, I'm sure that those sick dance moves also helped show them that you're not to be messed with. You could cut people with those shapes!

Therefore it was rather confusing to be presented a romance and party member option that on paper seemed like the worst idea possible. Say hello to Morinth, mother of Samara and all-around Black Widow of the galaxy. She's such a potent figure that no being alive has been able to mind-meld with her and live to tell the tale, but then again you're goddam Commander Shepard so, of course, the game will let you pork her mind palace, and escape unscathed right?

Right? Wait why is my brain suddenly exploding?

Yes, that's right my friend, the game utterly and completely had your brain pants down here because "no you are not that special and now you're dead", making for a rather humorous ending in which Morinth now has to sheepishly explain how you doomed all life in the galaxy just because your noggin couldn't handle her.

And it's not like she didn't warn you either!

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Final Fantasy
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