8 Video Game Characters You Should Never Fall In Love With

5. Nearly Any Character From Prequel Video Games

final fantasy 7 crisis core zack
Square Enix

I tell you this for none, it's gotta be a hard gig being a character in a prequel video game.

I mean no matter what adventure you're about to go on, an no matter the scale and scope of your quest, things are likely to end in one very decisive way based on the following question. "Was I alive in the original game?"

If the answer is yes, then huzzah! congratulations! Enjoy your origin story that likely not that many people actually asked for, but if the answer is "No" or "I wasn't mentioned at all" then uh-oh! Looks like getting attached to your escapades and character traits is a waste of the player's time.

Surely video game developers must realize this by now, that by positing brand new characters in a time before the original title they're basically making us play as a walking billboard that states "I die at the end lol". I mean we sure as hell do so who are they trying to kid?

So save yourself a tonne of heartache and don't bother getting too attached as when that final act rolls around it's likely that our new friends are going to be peacing out in short order.

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Final Fantasy
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