8 Video Games You Spent 100+ Hours In (And Still Haven't Finished)

7. Yakuza 5

Assassin S Creed Valhalla Excalibur

It's wildly variable how long it can take to beat a Yakuza game - stick to the critical path on one of the shorter titles like the recent The Man Who Erased His Name and you can be done in barely 10 hours, but if you dig deep into the side content on the longer games, you're looking at well over 100 hours.

Case in point, Yakuza 5's monstrously oversized campaign - which revolves around a stonking five playable characters - takes around 40 hour to mainline.

Yet considering that large swaths of the core story are quite the stamina-annihilating slog, you'll probably be tempted to peel off the critical path and indulge in the game's more entertaining side activities instead.

The side missions provide a welcome break from the overegged main game, enough that it's easy to get lost in them and push the campaign to the periphery for hours and hours and hours.

There are surely many of us who have checked our game clocks and realised we've poured over 100 hours into this thing without even reaching the end. Madness.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.