9 Things Nobody Wants To Admit About Far Cry 5
5. There's A Major Tone Problem
From its opening, Far Cry 5 pitches itself as an oppressive, harrowing tale about the insidious invasion of a religious cult. Covering the dark beliefs of this radical group, Joseph Seed and his family do some terrible things in the name of their misguided religious fanaticism, but after the first hour, the game drops this horror focus and instead jumps back into the wacky humour the series has revelled in for years.
If the writers didn't want to make a comment on current affairs or religion that would be one thing, but to have such a wildly contradictory tone that veers from causing consequence-free mayhem with a bear called Cheeseburger to extended monologues on how one of the villains murdered their newborn cild, it makes for a severe case of tonal whiplash.
In an attempt to say everything, Far Cry 5 ends up saying nothing, and works neither as a wacky, explosive open world tale or a harrowing, personal story of a terrifying cult.