Assassin's Creed Valhalla: 10 Early Secrets And How To Solve Them

9. The Comb Of Champions

assassins creed valhalla

While venturing through Rygjafylke you'll come across a few mysterious world events that can be completed for a sweet boost to your experience points.

Probably the most quizzical of these has you searching for the long lost comb of a fair maiden, who promises you a night of fun in exchange for its return. And whether you decide to help her out for some consensual Viking fun or just want to save the other hopeless suitors from freezing themselves to death, you'll need to know where to look. Since one suitor is frantically searching the area above the waterfall while the other has dedicated himself to its base, you'd be forgiven for not knowing where to begin.

Assuming the comb is hidden somewhere in the frigid waters of the Nordic waterfall is a start, but since spending too much time in its depths can take quite a chunk out of your health you can't just go searching like a chicken with its head chopped off. So plant yourself on the boulder closest to the waterfalls base and dive into the area between it and the only other rock. Use your Odin's Sight if necessary and you'll find the Elf-Antler Comb hidden away in a small crevice on the waters floor.

What you do next with the comb is completely your own business.


A self-proclaimed geek with an interest in video games, movies, series, comic books, and tabletop games. Some would say I spend far too much time overthinking irrelevant things. I agree with them, then do it anyway.