Assassin's Creed: Valhalla Review - 7 Ups & 4 Downs

8. Up: Satisfying, Violent Combat

assassins creed valhalla
Assassins Creed Valhalla

One aspect of the game Valhalla could not afford to slip up on was combat. In an era epitomised by violence and bloodshed, the fighting element needed to be perfect.

In recent Assassin's games the fighting has gradually improved and in this game, it evolves even further. You can feel it when you are playing the game, the dual wielding of weapons, the hacking, the slashing and crushing your enemies with a ruthless stomp. It is wild, ferocious and everything that Viking warfare should be.

The game focuses on a more realistic sense as your health no longer regenerates and you cannot constantly dodge attacks. The overall feel is great, as you become immersed with the Viking style of fighting, parrying, dodging and counterattacking.

Add to this the brutal killings that Eivor inflicts upon his enemies, such as beheadings, axes embedded in skulls and men being impaled with their own pikes. It's gory, it's barbaric and everything we want from a Viking game.


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