Assassin's Creed: Valhalla Review - 7 Ups & 4 Downs

4. Up: A Manageable 100%/Platinum Trophy

assassins creed valhalla
Assassins Creed Valhalla

As gaming has evolved over the years, it is no longer enough to simply finish the game. You need recognition for all your hard work in the form of a platinum trophy or 100% completion achievement. It is tough to get in this game but definitely manageable for the average gamer.

Before you say it, yes, every game is technically platinum-able but some of the trophies in games are damn right impossible. In Valhalla there are no such trophies, there are difficult ones and it will take you an unholy number of hours to achieve this goal, but it is doable.

The stand out difficult tasks are, Silent Viking (Assassinate ten in a row without triggering conflict) and Overdesign II (While on fire, kill three hard difficulty soldiers, without breaking their shields). These are tricky but not scarily hard.

It will be a long process to gain the platinum trophy. The main test being, how many hours you are willing to spend on the game, not the tasks themselves.


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