Comic-Con 2014: 10 Titles Every Gamer Wants To See

9. The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt

This is one of the two games on this list that - at the time of writing - are actually confirmed to show up. The third instalment in the adult-themed fantasy series is one that blew everyone away back at E3 with ease, (partly because all it had to contend with was a swathe of CG trailers) but also because no one expected the game to look so damn fun. That's partly because the series has existed in its own little bubble for the duration of its existence, occasionally popping into an average conversation about RPGs or great characters whilst maintaining a firm spot on any critic's 'Best RPGs Of All Time' lists. The Witcher 2 has definitely done its time as 'that game you know you should check out', and it seems developer CDProjektRED are more than aware of this, showing off hero Geralt chasing down a superbly animated Griffin across a series of gorgeous green fields before whipping out a particularly tasty sword, leading to him returning to a village with the Griffin's head as a prize. It was enough to get fans of everything from Skyrim to Monster Hunter on board, and with the potential of seeing some fights against huge enemies on the cards being the most likely of what's going to be shown, we can't wait.
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Gaming Editor

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