Doctor Who: 10 Things The 2021 Video Game NEEDS To Be Great
2. ...And Let Us Create Our Own

If the whole "Timeless Child" thing is going to stick (and there's an argument to be made that it shouldn't), then the game could at least make the most of the idea.
The most recent series finale revealed a brand-new backstory for the Doctor, informing us that she is the Timeless Child, and that she's had many different regenerations that we've never seen onscreen before. It's been a very controversial decision within the fanbase, but it does present Maze Theory with an opportunity.
And that opportunity is to include a "create-your-own-Doctor" feature in the game. If the Doctor's regeneration limit is almost boundless, then why not give that idea over to the fans and let them have some fun with it?
All the devs would have to do is take any character creation tool from any game, and give it a Doctor Who twist. Once they've created their skin, players would then just toggle it on and off as they please - it wouldn't have to be part of the story of the game or anything. But imagine getting to create a virtual version of yourself, deck yourself out in one of the Doctor's outfits, and then walk around the in-game TARDIS?
That would be insanely cool - and speaking of which...