Far Cry 5: 10 Things We Can't Wait To Do

5. Use A Combine Harvester To Mow Down Enemies

Far Cry 5

Between riding an elephant into battle, causing wildfires to trap enemies in burning buildings or sending in a tiger to do your dirty work, the developers behind Far Cry have always made using your imagination to eliminate bad guys far more satisfying than just shooting or stabbing them.

It's resulted in some particularly violent moments of ingenuity, but the fifth game is topping all that by introducing slow-moving combine harvesters to give players the option of living out their wildest Austin Powers fantasies and grind cultists to mulch.

Again being an example of how the developers have transformed the everyday items, vehicles and guns you'd find in the real-life American South into death-dealing weapons, these farming vehicles can be commandeered and used to cause mayhem throughout Hope County.

Sometimes the more high-tech a game's arsenal gets, the less satisfying it can be to use, whereas the improvisational feeling of Far Cry 5's weaponry seems to be far more appealing.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3