Far Cry 5: 10 Things We Can't Wait To Do

4. Mingle With The Locals For Intel

Far Cry 5

Ubisoft have made a big song and dance about their decision to take the climbable towers that usually point players in the direction of missions, activities, and hidden loot out of Far Cry 5, but what they're replacing them with is actually kinda neat.

Instead of having points of interest just pop up on your map automatically, you have to genuinely explore your surroundings, talk to people and get to know the area in order to discover new quests and the like. It's a far better system, as it encourages players to take in the detail the devs have poured into the environments, with the aim of making Hope County feel like a real place rather than just another nondescript playground.

One of the biggest issues open world games have is that you spend the majority of your time blindly following a waypoint marker, missing out on the actual world as you go by. By stripping out towers and forcing you to actually explore to unlock new content though, Far Cry 5's map should feel far more alive than any of the previous games.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3