Far Cry 5 Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs

7. Ups - Far Cry Arcade Is Great Fun

Far Cry 5

Far Cry's iconic map editor makes a grand return with Far Cry Arcade, something that looks set to stick around for quite some time if the early results are any indication.

Previous Far Cry games have made the editor a bit of a hassle to use, with no real reason to actually share your creations, but Far Cry Arcade is a grand evolution of the system and actually has people creating some pretty amazing things.

Rather than just creating and playing for the fun of it, players are actually rewarded for playing other player's creations, which definitely makes it much more worthwhile. The fact that Ubisoft have expanded upon the tools so much as to include other franchises entirely is a pretty cool move too.

If a Far Cry remake of the intro to Resident Evil 7 is an example of the sort of greatness we can expect to see in Far Cry Arcade then it's definitely one of the game's biggest surprises.

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Far Cry 5
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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.