Far Cry: Every Game Ranked Worst To Best

2. Far Cry 3

Far cry 3

Far Cry 3 was the game that really skyrocketed the series into major mainstream popularity. Keeping the same basic outline as the second game, casting players as an underdog stranded in a strange land and attempting to take down a violent tyrant, this sequel did away with some of the more divisive elements of that release and replaced them with pure, unadulterated fun.

In the process, Far Cry 3 established an open world formula that almost every title in the genre stole immediately. The gameplay loop of scoping out outposts, sneaking in or blowing them away and then using your experience points to become an even more efficient killing machine has been used thousands of times now, but it always fit Far Cry 3 better than any of the copycats.

It's not all gameplay focused though, as the main narrative - at least for the most part - is one of the best in the whole series. After release, main antagonist Vaas not only became by far the most captivating villain in Far Cry history, but one of the most iconic baddies in all of gaming.

There isn't one wasted opportunity in Far Cry 3, and that extreme sense of polish made for a title that still feels great to go back to today.

In this post: 
Far Cry 5
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3