FIFA 18 Vs. PES 2018: Which Game Is Better?

4. Menus & Presentation (Tie)

PES 2018

This one is a tough contest, because there are some players who don't really care what menus look like in either FIFA 18 or PES 2018. Those screens are the first thing you see though, so it's important they beam with colour without making the time spent between matches (the actual meat of the game) a chore.

Both FIFA and PES have fine menu systems this year. They're even fairly well matched in the presentation stakes when it comes to match day too, although there is something to be said for FIFA's painstakingly accurate pre-match overlays and Sky Sports-style introductions before kick off. PES counters this with a more straightforward approach, trying to lure fans in with the glory of in-tunnel hustle and bustle.

In terms of commentary, it's no contest. FIFA's Martin Tyler/Alan Smith combo wins out over the dreary Peter Drury/Jim Beglin nonsense that appears to be the same as 5 years ago. Just as FIFA sneaks ahead though, there's those brilliant stadium snapshots on the pre-match menus in PES.

This is a tie. Konami have worked hard to catch up on EA in recent years.

Winner: Tie.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.