Final Fantasy XV: 12 Hands-On First Impressions

11. The Plot Is The Worst Thing About It

Final Fantasy XV Cindy
Square Enix

The Final Fantasy series is no stranger to plots that are, for want of a better word, nonsense. Even at its best, the franchise has had a scarce grip on coherence, yet FFXV takes a surprisingly minimal approach to narrative compared to previous games, instantly making it somewhat reminiscent of last year's Metal Gear Solid V.

The story works best when it sticks to the basics: a road trip centered around four bros, a Romeo and Juliet-esque romance, and a quest to claim a throne. Unfortunately, though, revelations are doled out in a fairly disinterested manner and so make it hard to get much invested in what's going on (so far, at least).

Make no mistake: buying FFXV for the story above all else would probably be a huge mistake. The gameplay is enjoyable enough that it's still a fun title, but this absolutely comes in on the lower end of the series' plots to date.

You can watch the recently-released Kingsglaive movie to get a better idea about the events leading up to the game, but honestly, a game, especially one in this series, really ought to stand on its own two feet.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.