Final Fantasy XV: 12 Hands-On First Impressions

10. Combat Is A Lot Of Fun

Final Fantasy XV Cindy
Square Enix

By far the most enjoyable part of the game so far is the combat, which feels incredibly diverse and fine-tuned.

Yes, at a most basic level it is entirely possible for a player to over-level, hold the attack button and just spam Hi-Potions every time they hit 0 HP for most engagements, but that totally ignores the immense array of options available to the player otherwise.

The fighting in the series has never felt this smooth or intense, to the point that it can occasionally feel a little too chaotic, but with the Wait Mode option in the game's menu (where the game freezes when Noctis isn't moving, allowing you to strategise your next attack), every style of play feels well catered for.

There will be a lot of things that are badly received in this game, but the combat sure won't be one of them.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.