Mass Effect Andromeda: Everything We Know So Far

2. Your Enemies Are The Remnant (Protheans) And The Khet (Geth/Cerberus)

mass effect andromeda

Bioware are keen to play on the instinctual bond we all share by literally being human, assumedly opening the game with the shot of Ryder coming out of cryo-sleep, only to then strive to survive out in an entirely new galaxy.

However, part of the leaked questionnaire from April, 2015 pointed out that the new Andromeda galaxy has roots in a race called the 'Remnant', another pre-history race that a ton of influential tech comes from. They sound very similar to the Protheans, almost too much in fact, so this might have been altered between the initial gameplay demos and whatever eventually emerges in 2017.

As it stands, get ready to explore a galaxy with a past - one you'll become intimately aware of as you figure out how best to use its technology.

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