PES 2018 Demo: 7 Things We Learned

2. Player Animation Looks True-To-Life

PES 2018

The official PES 2018 website boasts that player models have been completely reworked to compensate for different kit fittings and short sizes. That sounds a little in-depth and hardly vital to the overall experience, but Konami weren't lying when they claimed things had been changed when it comes to player animations.

Right before a match between Barcelona and Liverpool, it's possible to view the nerves jangling around the place, more so with the away side than seasoned Camp Nou pros like Andrés Iniesta. This is promising, and it'd be brilliant to imagine Konami could take this one step further during modes like the Master League or Champions League when the pressure is really on.

Facially, PES models look as good as they ever have. The series has long had the edge over FIFA in that respect, but 2018 has taken another step towards eerie realism. When someone like Luis Suárez appeals to the referee upon being booked, his expressions are drastically different to the ecstatic grins he exhibits when scoring a key goal.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.