PS4: 10 Features Sony Must Implement In The Next Firmware Update

9. In-Game Trophy Support

Remember when Achievements and Trophies used to really matter? You'd bound home from school or work with a certain game in mind, dedicating yourself to flicking through the supplementary list of requirements just to hear whichever console of choice's 'You got it!' sound effect was. Obviously it was the 360 that made them into the culturally synonymous feature they are today, but Microsoft went and shot themselves in the foot by making achievements near-inaccessible on the Xbox One - something that's even worse on PS4 as you still have to sync trophies in a separate window if you want to see your progress. Let's have trophies viewable through something like a double-tap of the touchpad or by drawing a circle with your finger or something - anything that would get back to the last generation of playing for an extra hour or two just to wring out some more value from your title of choice. With quick-enough access and the sorting of them in everything from relevance to rarity, you could flick through with the touchpad before closing the mini-window again and carrying on. Easy.
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Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.