Ranking Every Final Fantasy Composer

24. Ryuji Sasai & Yasuhiro Kawakami

Works: Mystic Quest

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest is a horrendous abomination of a game. Recently bestowed the dubious honour of being the worst spin-off in series history (by yours truly, admittedly), a couple of its music tracks were pinpointed as almost the only highlight of the miserable gameplay experience.

Chief amongst these is ‘Battle 1’, which is so delightfully over-the-top that it strides into ‘so bad it’s good’ territory and wouldn’t be out of place in a fantasy b-movie with bad special effects.

Ryuji Sasai and Yasuhiro Kawakami’s soundtrack is only 28 tracks long and three of those are bats**t crazy (and far superior) remixes of the titular ‘Mystic Quest’, a generic adventure piece on its own.

The music wasn’t remastered from the original SNES compositions until 2018 and that album cut the number of tracks to 25 (omitting the remixes). Not an official Square-Enix release, it brought the pair back, which was a nice touch given that such projects normally have somebody new do the remastering and rearrangement work.

Even cleaner versions of pleasant pieces like ‘Dungeon Of Ice’ and ‘Beautiful Forest’ do little but bring back painful memories of the game, however.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.