Resident Evil 8 Village: 10 Fan Demands Capcom NEEDS To Include

1. "Got Some Rare Things On Sale, Stranger."

Resident Evil 8

The number one most wanted feature for Resident Evil Village, and the most clamoured for character return in the series was a man who was wearing a face mask in the middle of an epidemic, even before it was fashionable.

"Stranger stranger. Now that's a weapon."

The merchant remains today one of the most emulated characters in the franchise, despite only having a bit part as a purveyor of weapons across Resident Evil 4.

Now, years after escaping from Los Illuminados, it's time to bring the guy with a coat full of guns back. He can sell items to aid Ethan, perhaps even including anything that was left in an area Ethan can no longer return to, but he should be more than just a shop this time around.

Flesh him out, and give him more dialogue so that players get to know his story. Maybe he's not the original merchant but his son, carrying on the family business, and referencing his father's storyline from RE4.

So long as he's still selling the Red 9, which is the undisputed best gun in the series, then Ethan should be happy to meet the guy.

"What are ya buying?"

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