Resident Evil 8 Village: 10 Fan Demands Capcom NEEDS To Include

2. Play With The Hallucinations

Resident Evil 8

Despite Resident Evil Village having hallucinations as a feature, it's unlikely that the titular location will fade away to show a blood-drenched Ethan stalking the streets of a city. Instead we may see these used to introduce new gameplay features or up the horror.

Maybe the first time we run into the werewolf-type creatures, they're revealed to be a hallucination of a dog... but only that first time.

Maybe we play a section as Chris, only to find out he's still Ethan, and the boss he fought was another viewpoint of the murder of his wife.

There are plenty of ways to make this feature something consistently entertaining, and truly horrifying.

If we're really lucky, they may even take some inspiration from the forgotten classic, Eternal Darkness.


After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.