Resident Evil 8 Village: 10 Fan Demands Capcom NEEDS To Include

5. Dedicated Heal Button

Resident Evil 8

At the risk of alienating the Resident Evil fanbase, do you guys remember that really cool feature in the almost universally maligned Resident Evil 6? No, come back. Trust me, it was really good.

Players would go into their inventories and process herbs into pills then, when they needed to heal, they'd press a single button and their character would pop a pill for some quick healing without having to open the inventory. In Resident Evil 6, it was a nice addition. In a game with a live, non-pausing inventory system, it's a must.

Mixing herbs together would still be available from the inventory, so the player would need to find a safe place to do that, and they'd still be able to using whatever healing items needed to cure poison, replenish health, or even raise maximum health from the inventory.

But a dedicated healing button would allow the player to quickly take the lowest grade healing item they're carrying. Simulate shoving a herb in their mouths or quickly spraying some liquid plaster (or whatever is in first aid spray that let Ethan reattach a leg) on their wounds, without having to open the inventory.


After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.