Resident Evil 8 Village: 10 Fan Demands Capcom NEEDS To Include

4. Don't Make The Ending DLC

Resident Evil 8

Seems like a simple request doesn't it? You pay to play a game and get an ending. Yet, if the last couple of console generations have taught us anything, it's that publishers will happily hold back content to sell later, or even to give away for free after rushing the game out the door to meet a deadline.

Resident Evil 7 has a grand total of three endings. The first one, and the one that ships with the game is the end to Ethan's story. The second ending was shipped with the free Not A Hero expansion, which saw us chasing after Lucas Baker as Chris Redfield.

Finally, despite the game giving the choice to save Mia or Zoe, the End Of Zoe DLC assumes that Ethan picked his wife and gives us another side story with yet another ending.

While there's an argument to be made that these are side stories that are have nothing to do with Ethan's storyline, they were continuations of what we'd been doing in the game and not a whole new land being added to an RPG.

Keep the DLCs for true side stories rather than adding new endings to the game.


After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.