Resident Evil 8 Village: 10 Fan Demands Capcom NEEDS To Include

3. Banned Footage

Resident Evil 8

Resident Evil 7 had one of the oddest ranges of DLC for any Resident Evil game, and this is a series that regularly sells the option to dress people up as cowboys and nurses.

While I've bemoaned that End Of Zoe and Not A Hero added unneeded new endings to the game, there's no denying the quality of these straight additions, even if Joe Baker did seem to come from nowhere.

The other sets of DLC for Resident Evil 7 were the Banned Footage releases that varied greatly in quality.

At the top of the pile is Daughters (a great horror show where Zoe has to survive and escape on the first night that Eveline is rescued by Jack), Bedroom (an escape room where the turned Marguerite is keeping a captured Clancy prisoner), and both added to the story. More strangely, a blackjack minigame is included to round out one of these packages.

While minigames like feeding Jack at his birthday bash can be bizarrely fun, DLC for Village should focus more towards horrifying side stories or brilliant new game modes like Ethan Must Die.


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