Super Mario Odyssey- 10 Ways It Beats Breath Of The Wild

4. Post-Game Content

Mario Zelda Odyssey Breath Of The Wild

Because of how open Breath of the Wild is, it doesn't really change that much after the main quest has ended. On the other hand, Super Mario Odyssey practically quadruples in size after the credits roll.

Odyssey essentially tells players to go back to each world and truly explore them, stuffing the worlds with as many Power Moons and secrets as possible. It's incredible to see the worlds of Odyssey feel fully fleshed out. It's also a pretty great excuse to keep playing the game, which is never a bad thing.

Why is Odyssey's handling of the post-game better than Breath of the Wild's approach? Breath of the Wild's open world nature means that players can conceivably do anything they want from the get go, which can often feel a little daunting. Starting off on the Great Plateau certainly helps things but Odyssey's approach definitely feels more friendly.

The post-game of Mario Odyssey also unlocks the Mushroom Kingdom and Yoshi. Come on.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.