10 Worst Ever Levels In Hitman Video Games
6. Anathema - Silent Assassin
While the training level can be sprinted through with minimal fuss, the first mission in Silent Assassin is a bit of a stinker. It's not due to poor design, though, it's mostly down to the archaic AI that makes this level a lot more infuriating than it should be. Anathema seems like a standard hit against an Italian mob boss in his well-defended manor house, but the twitchy guards are prone to stalk you if you stroll around dressed as them, usually giving up after ten seconds and resorting to gunning you down instead.
Perhaps you might knock out the the postman and smuggle in the bundle of flowers. Unfortunately, using the anaesthetic is a joke, since you have to sprint and grab running civilians from behind to knock them out. Plus, even though the goons have never seen you before, they'll suddenly realize you're not their usual postie and start discharging their pistols at top speed. Which presumably means they go through legitimate postmen like hot dinners.
On top of that, entering the Don's office is a pain. Two guards have with their fingers up their backsides refuse to go on patrol, and have glued themselves to each office door. Climbing the ladder, walking on the roof while giving the game's physics engine the middle finger, and popping yourself onto the balcony outside of the office is your only option, unless you gave up on it and just shotgun-blasted your way through the villa.
If so, that's completely understandable. It's a disappointing start to an otherwise great game.