10 Worst Ever Levels In Hitman Video Games

5. St. Petersburg Stakeout - Silent Assassin

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IO Interactive

St. Petersburg Stakeout may seem like a simple case of practicing your sniping skills from afar at first, but there is an important catch to this one: the Agency isn't entirely sure which of the generals is the target. And worse, they'll be stuck in a single room, huddled around a table, so firing willy-nilly into them will result in a mission failure. 

This may seems like an exciting premise, but once again this level is also on-rails and restrictive and you annoyingly have to follow a specific path in order to be allowed to take out the main target.

Taking a pot shot with a pistol is one method, but this will sacrifice the chance for the highest rating possible, since the Pushkin building where the generals are having their meeting in is heavily guarded, with twitchy guards in almost every corridor and room. 

Replayability is pretty much zero: the target is on the same spot each time, and requires players who have already beaten the mission to wait a long two minutes until they can shoot the baddie in the back of his head. Which is just annoying.

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Jake "The Voice" Parr - voice actor, mastermind of The Cyber Den on Siren FM, game reviewer, and classy chap.