WWE 2K18: 10 Potential Showcase Modes

4. Invasion Done Right

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2K Sports

Video games are all about bringing fantasy to reality. WWE said this themselves when hyping up Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar in time for 2K17's release. If the developers want to really ring true with such claims, then reimagining one of WWE's biggest ever failures and turning it into the success it should have been is essential.

That's right, we want the WCW Invasion, only this time without the needless ECW add-on or expectation that fans will be happy with guys like Chuck Palumbo or Lance Storm. No offence intended to those performers, but the Invasion needed Hollywood Hogan, The Outsiders, Ric Flair, Sting, Goldberg and others to really seem special.

Go wild with this one, 2K. There's no need for Shane McMahon to lead the WCW crew when Eric Bischoff has mended fences with WWE since the Invasion, for example. Present build to matches like The Undertaker vs. Sting, Hogan vs. Stone Cold and The Outsiders vs. Edge and Christian without restriction.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.