WWE 2K22: 10 Things They Must Get Right

1. The Gameplay

WWE 2K20
2K Sports

Speaking of.

What happened to wrestling games? They used to be fun, pick-up-and-play delights that were ideal for multiplayer sessions. It was easy to perform contextual actions, see all the big, cage-breaking stunts in Hell In A Cell matches and live free in the knowledge you weren't juggling with increasingly-complex button prompts.

2K have reverted these once-simple games into a panicky battle with your controller again, and it's only a matter of time before things return to their WWF Attitude low. Back then, performing a DDT meant one had to press X, L1, Up, Down, Down, Right, Left, X, O, Left, R1, sacrifice a goat, read someone's tea leaves, O, L1, Left and then split the atom.

It was complex, to say the least.

Simplicity should be law in 2K22. The gameplay needs more straightforward controls to make it purr, and an injection of PS2-era speed wouldn't go amiss either.

What else do you think 2K must get right in WWE 2K22? For more wrestling, check out 10 Best Ways Wrestlers Recovered From WWE WrestleMania Defeats and 10 WWE PPVs Fans Thought Would Totally Suck (But Didn’t)!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.