WWE 2K22: 10 Ways To Save MyCareer Mode

1. Play As Actual WWE Stars

WWE 2K22 Cesaro
2K Games

WWE 2K22 could come and go without the option to pick a real company star and guide them through branching storylines, title bids and pay-per-view feuds. That's sad, and it really needs sorting. 2K are leaving a lot of fun on the cutting room floor by making MyCareer a CAW-only experience.

It doesn't need to be.

There are enough angles from the past 18 months alone to make this worthwhile. Edge's return and eventual heel turn, Bianca Belair's rise from NXT to the WrestleMania 37 main event, Roman Reigns' switch from 'Big Dog' to 'Tribal Chief' - there are loads of examples, and they're all ripe for plunder.

WWE's roster offers the most diverse range of characters 2K could ever hope for, and their career suite really should be letting players become the men and women they watch on TV every week. Enabling that would bring MyCareer up a notch.

What else would you do to save WWE 2K22's MyCareer Mode? For more like this, check out WWE 2K22: 10 Legends That MUST Be Included and WWE 2K22: 10 Reasons To Be Worried!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.