WWE 2K24: 15 CAWs You Must Download Immediately

1. CM Punk

WWE 2K24 CM Punk
2K Games

Creator: Valoween

Downloads: 43,340

CM Punk heads up the "ECW Punk Pack" that's coming in May. He'll be joined by The Dudley Boyz, The Sandman and Terry Funk. 2K will also stick some MyFACTION content in there too. You'll get your mitts on an ECW Paul Heyman manager card and some other superstar cards if that's your thing.

Punk is the main event though.

Valoween got ahead of the developers by getting to work on the gorgeously-packaged unofficial version of Punk you see above. It has two attire slots, and could pass as an official 2K render during matches. Honestly, this is the best CAW you can download at time of writing.

Which WWE 2K24 CAWs will you download first? For more wrestling games, check out WWE 2K24 Review: 9 Ups & 4 Downs and WWE 2K24: 10 Things You NEED To Know Before You Buy!

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