WWE 2K24 Early Reviews: 10 Major Details We Learned

8. The New Camera Angle Is A Must

WWE 2K24
2K Games

It's amazing how something so seemingly minor can feel like a breath of fresh air after so many years of the same old, same old. WWE 2K24 includes the option of an alternative camera angle that swings around away from the traditional hard cam view towards one akin to the "classic MSG" look.

Y'know the one - the one with the entrance way in the background rather than fans.

That'll suit those who remember wrestling games of yesteryear, but it's a nice touch for any younger fans who enjoyed AEW Fight Forever's presentation as well. Somehow, this alt angle gives you a much smarter look at the ring, and it just feels right. Most will likely switch to this and never look back.

WWE could probably do with leaning on technology (drones, basically) and shifting away from the restrictive hard cam in 2024. 2K24 gives you the chance to see things from a different perspective, but it doesn't change gameplay too much.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.