WWE 2K24 Early Reviews: 10 Major Details We Learned

6. Throwing Weapons Is A Game Changer

WWE 2K24
2K Games

This is an extension of the previous point.

Being able to throw weapons again is a game-changing addition. Hurling various items at your foes and watching them bump like Curt Hennig in his prime is bags of fun. Yeah, this was something you could do in older wrestling games, but 2K has finally implemented it properly.

There's weight to each weapon hit, which helps. That wasn't the case in those early SmackDown titles; smacking someone with a steel chair was arguably less effective than hitting a basic scoop slam. Not anymore. Now, it's possible to bust your enemies wide open by landing a few weapon shots to the face.

Throwable weapons was something that came up repeatedly across multiple hands-on previews for WWE 2K24. There was a glee in each presenter or writer's tone when describing this, likely owing to the way rivals splat against the mat after taking sledgehammers to the jaw.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.