WWE 2K24 Early Reviews: 10 Major Details We Learned

4. Backstage Brawls = Multiplayer Heaven

WWE 2K24
2K Games

Grab a mate and explore.

We're talking couch co-op with a friend here. Or, if they're available, get a squad together and put on a mass Backstage Brawl with endless broken windows, big bumps, weapons and dive spots. 2K24 lets you go multi-wrestler with the backstage stuff, and it looks like being a right laugh.

There are new environmental attacks. Look above and you'll also see the crazy visual of Hulk Hogan and Cody Rhodes stopping mid-fight to go on a little elevator ride together. Then, as soon as they reached the top, the punches started flying all over again. That's so quirky, and it's all geared towards making matches more fun.

Backstage Brawls could well be the couch co-op connoisseur's match type of choice. However, the new Ambulance bouts also serve up a ton of experimentation and contextual moments. 2K hasn't been letting anyone play around with Casket Matches during previews, but they'll almost certainly be the same.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.