WWE 2K24 Review: 9 Ups & 4 Downs

1. A Generous Mix Of Modes/Content

WWE 2K24 Roman Reigns Cody Rhodes
2K Games

Overall, there's so much to enjoy in WWE 2K24. The game has lots to keep you busy for a long time, which isn't always something one can say about pro wrestling video games. 2K have become masters of content, and that should put a smile on anyone's face who lived through the mediocrity pre-2K20 crash.

Each mode in 2K24 offers something different from the others.

MyRise is a love letter to Story/Career Modes from games of yesteryear, MyGM works for those who enjoy micro-management and don't mind being patient, MyFaction scratches an itch for the ‘Ultimate Team’ crowd, Showcase is an on-rails history lesson, and Universe is a customisable, never-ending WWE sandbox.

That's before anyone even so much as dips a toe into multiplayer (with friends or online), the new match types etc. WWE 2K24 is bursting with content, and very little of it feels cheap or peripheral. That's a testament to how much passion 2K's team puts in.

They can be real proud of this series again. 2K24 is an essential purchase for those who have enjoyed the redemption arc since 2K22 kicked it off.

What are you most looking forward to in WWE 2K24? For more wrestling, check out WWE 2K24: 15 Legends Who Must Be Included As DLC and 10 New Directions For AEW After Revolution 2024!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.