WWE 2K24 Review: 9 Ups & 4 Downs


4. Varying Visual Quality

WWE 2K24 Bayley
2K Games

First, some negatives.

This is a bummer to point out, but the quality of character models across the board isn't too consistent. Some, like Bayley, look noticeably low-res compared to a graphical powerhouse like Roman Reigns or Cody Rhodes. Hell, even this guy's CAW looks one million times better than poor ol' Bayley.

Admittedly, a few of the legends have faces that look ever-so-slightly off too, which is a pity and might detract from Showcase if you're a stickler for that sort of thing. Being fair, this is perhaps understandable due to the sheer weight of numbers on offer, but it'd be nice to see everyone on the roster get the same attention to detail.

It's hard to imagine Bayley (in particular) will be too chuffed with her character model this year. The woman looks like she hasn't slept! A quick fix patch may be in order there. Generally, 2K24 is a gorgeous game from head to toe, but some visual inconsistencies do stand out.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.