WWE 2K24 Review: 9 Ups & 4 Downs


9. A Huge & Varied Roster

WWE 2K24 Drew McIntyre
2K Games

Right, enough doom and gloom. Onto the positives!

Picking someone to play as may become an exercise similar to deciding on something to watch via Netflix. Oh yes, the roster in WWE 2K24 is bloody massive. It serves up a lovely mix of current stars, legends and genuinely fresh faces. Some of them, like NXT's Gallus, were rather unexpected.

The coming DLC packs will add yet more variety, and Community Creations will blow the whole thing wide open with AEW, New Japan, TNA, WCW, ECW and more. Before that, something is worth saying: It's legit staggering how many playable workers 2K has squeezed on-disc here.

Many of the wrestlers feel unique to control as well. Pick a powerhouse giant like Omos, and you'll be ambling around the place hoping to pin opponents into a corner. Choose a faster-paced striker like Seth Rollins and the entire gameplay loop changes instantly.

2K deserve praise for that spectrum of play styles.

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