WWE 2K24 Review: 9 Ups & 4 Downs

7. Super Finishers

WWE 2K24 WrestleMania 13 Bret Hart Steve Austin
2K Games

If you're anything like the dude writing this, then you tend to waste finishers as soon as you've earned them. It's just too tempting to hit a Stunner early in the match even when it's guaranteed to result in a near fall. 2K's new Super Finisher mechanic could change that, and for the better.

Now, there's a risk and reward vibe to these new souped-up moves. Show enough patience (and restraint) and you'll be able to land a mega-powerful finish that's almost guaranteed to win the match. All you have to do is resist spamming finisher icons and store three of them at once.

Some of the Super Finishers look unbelievably good.

Rhea Ripley's super Riptide is already a firm favourite, because there's something so satisfying about nearly driving rivals through the canvas from the corner turnbuckles. The trade off, as aforementioned, is that patience really is key.

Good luck with that.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.