WWE 2K24 Review: 9 Ups & 4 Downs

6. The Subtle Tweak To Tag-Team Matches

WWE 2K24 Tag-Team Match
2K Games

Tag-team matches in 2K's series have always had a clunkiness that's hard to ignore. The formula for success was typically do enough damage to one opponent > stop them from making tags > hit a finisher > knock partner off the ring apron > go for the pin. Leave that partner on the apron and...you'd get a two count at most.

Not anymore.

2K has made a subtle tweak to tag bouts that means partners can only run in to save someone's skin once before they're temporarily hard-locked in position and unable to interfere. That sounds like a small change, but it adds a tactical layer to the match type that was sorely missing before.

It'll also stop the AI from constantly breaking up your pins unless you forearm them in the chops first. That's still possible, of course, but now it isn't mandatory and a shortcut to victory. This will be particularly helpful when playing with friends or online.

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