Page 9 - Pulp Fiction
5 Fantasy Comic Book Tie-In’s We Wish Existed
With the recent confirmation of an upcoming tie-in comic book series to Alan Moore’s platform…
Great Vengeance and Furious Anger: A Reading of Pulp Fiction
Join me as I attempt to make some sense of Quentin Tarantino’s crime fiction masterpiece and…
Best & Worst Valentine's Day Films For Singletons
What are the best movies for you to watch alone on Valentine’s Day? And what are the worst?
WIN: PULP FICTION On Blu-ray, We Have 3 Copies To Give Away
Lionsgate and Miramax presents Quentin Tarantino's seminal classic Pulp Fiction, available now…
Blu-ray Review: PULP FICTION - A Masterpiece In Every Sense of the Word
Tarantino’s seminal crime-fiction genre movie, that shot him to super-stardom quicker than a…