Page 7 - Sherlock
Sherlock Series 3: 20 Canonical References You May Have Missed
Being honest, if you got these, you're some sort of Sherlock genius.
12 Best 2000s TV Dramas We've All Been Glued To
With TV going from strength to strength in the new millennium, this is no easy task...
10 Moments When Sherlock Was A Complete Jerk
Just because you're a high functioning sociopath, it doesn't mean you have to be an arse.
10 Hugely Anticlimactic TV Reveals
Celebrating those times the writers wanted to clock off early, so phoned it in massively.
10 Badass Moments From TV Characters You Never Expected
Reliving those times when the quiet ones stepped up to the plate and kicked all sorts of ass.
9 Famous TV Villains You Didn't Realise Were Complete Morons
These guys look like geniuses at first glance. That glance would be wrong.
11 Awesome TV Characters That Keep Getting Unfairly Sidelined
When an awesome TV character gets sidelined, it's often a matter of the writers never intending…