10 Video Game Franchises Where Nobody Played The Original

8. Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars

Hitman Codename 47

That’s right, Rocket League – the disgustingly addictive football/race game hybrid – is really a sequel to the little known Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars.

Released for the PS3 back in 2008, Supersonic is exactly what you’d expect a Rocket League game to be. It doesn’t have the same sheen perhaps, but the gameplay and rules are nearly identical.

The game received good reviews and sales at the time, but didn’t catch fire in nearly the same way its sequel would. That's probably because the title wasn’t nearly as catchy or concise, and why there was a sizable gap between the releases of both. Hey, sometimes licking those wounds takes time.

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