Page 6 - Back To The Future


10 Must-See Pop Culture Inspired Car Adverts

The most awesome car ads featuring cars.
By Jon Lovatt

Mother's Day: 10 Most Iconic Movie Mums

Because mothers are so much more than ATMs, waitresses and slaves...
By Mark Allen

12 Tech Advances We Should Have By Now (According To Movies)

Sci-fi movies set us up with expectations of time travel, robot butlers and hoverboards, but…
By Stephen Kennedy

10 Famous Things That Were Invented By Movie Time Travellers

Those guys and girls who really invented modern day innovations.
By Audrey Fox

7 "Perfect" Movie Endings That Are Way More Contrived Than You Think

Even some of cinema's best and most appreciated endings might not hold up under close scrutiny.
By WhatCulture

10 Minor Film Characters Whose Lives Were Probably Ruined Forever

Chances are you failed to consider the terrible fates of these poor folk once they disappeared…
By WhatCulture

10 Potentially Racist Undertones In Family Films You Never Noticed

No one's labelling anyone a racist, but there's no denying that these films contain potentially…
By Mark White

10 Movie Characters You Want With You When The Apocalypse Comes

Yes, it’s time to think seriously about who you need on your side when the zombie disease…
By Laura Johnson

12 Movies Worth Watching Over & Over Again

All these movies will take least fifteen viewings before you'll even begin to get bored of…
By Colleen Cunha

12 Iconic Movie Characters Who Aren't As Cool As You Remember

We all likely thought that these characters were the epitome of cool once upon a time. In…
By Matt Hirons