11 Reasons Spurs Fans Should Be Concerned

2. They Don't Know Their Best Eleven

It's fairly safe to say that Mauricio Pochettino has yet to decide what his best first eleven is at Spurs. The new Argentinian boss has fielded no less than 24 players in the Premier League alone this season €“ while the likes of Miloš Veljkovi‡ and Sandro have been utilised in other competitions, increasing that total overall. Spurs' failure to ever put out the same team twice in a row could be seen as healthy rotation and giving players a rest, but it€™s also a concern, as any given club needs to know their strongest team in order to field it in the tougher games €“ a fact that really does go without saying. Ask any Spurs fan to name their best eleven and they'd struggle. Some players - such as Ben Davies, Benjamin Stambouli and Federico Fazio - haven't even been given a chance to show what they can really do yet, so it's impossible to say whether they would be a part of it. Spurs absolutely must figure out who their strongest eleven are €“ because it's an essential thing to know when it comes to achieving success.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.