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10 Dumb Decisions That Will Ruin Upcoming Movies

These future releases are doomed to failure.
By Alex Leadbeater

10 Most Expensive Movies Of All-Time

How many of them actually made a profit?
By Sam Heard

10 Directors Who Somehow Made 3 (Or More) Masterpieces In A Row

The sort of career streaks that make you feel like you've wasted your life.
By Audrey Fox

9 People You Won't Believe Actually Died Watching Famous Movies

Probably should've gone bowling instead.
By WhatCulture

10 Great Movies (That Were Led By Terrible Performances)

Going by this lot, you don't need good acting to make a good movie.
By Dale Barham

10 Movies That Started A Huge Cinematic Trend

Those movies we loved... and then were forced to endure lesser versions of for years to come.
By Scott Campbell

10 Potentially Racist Undertones In Family Films You Never Noticed

No one's labelling anyone a racist, but there's no denying that these films contain potentially…
By Mark White

James Cameron: Ranking His Films From Worst To Best

Given the box office receipts of his movies, you have all paid to see his flicks. But which is…
By Scott Campbell

8 Recent Movies That Grossly Over-Estimated What Their CGI Could Do

Film technology has improved in leaps and bounds, but the suspension of disbelief remains…
By Alex Leadbeater

10 Special Effects Movie Milestones That Came After Star Wars

Star Wars inspired big changes in the 'ol special effects department. More than 30 years later,…
By Matt Hannigan